April Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers,

Red Nose Day: Thank you for supporting us in raising money for Comic Relief.  The final total is £135, well done everyone.

Easter: Please remember we are closed Good Friday and Easter Monday (19th and 22nd April).

Attendance: If you are going to be on holiday or not attending nursery for any reason, please can you let us know via text / email / phone call in advance? We have to track all absences in line with Stockport’s Safeguarding Policy and are required to contact you should you not turn up on your nursery day.

Staffing: Welcome to Joanne Hughes, who has joined us as a Nursery Assistant.  Joanne is very experienced with young children and will be working over both rooms.  We will be sorry to say goodbye to Marie Lynham, who will be leaving us on Thursday 18th April.  We wish her all the very best in her return to Nannying.

Blue / Green / Yellow (!) Bags: Please ensure that the blue bags are left on your child’s peg, underneath their coat after you have collected them.  Please could you double check that you have spare, season appropriate clothing, including underwear and socks in your child’s bag.  They may have grown a lot since you last provided spares!!

Emergency Contact Numbers: Please could you make sure that a contactable adult is available at all times your child is at Nursery.  If you change any mobile numbers or have a change of address, please text or email us.

Funding: Universal three year old funding (15 hours) is available the term AFTER your child turns three years old.  Parental Agreement forms will be sent to you in good time for you to check your eligibility for additional funding (30 hours).  If you are eligible for additional funding, you need to renew the code every three months, or you may lose your additional element of the funding.

School Places: Once you have had your place confirmed if your child is going to school this September, please can you send us a text/email to let us know which school your child has been allocated?

Car Park: Please remind all relatives who drop off and collect your child(ren) that they are not allowed to use the school car park.  Two parents currently have permission from the school to use the car park.  This is a term of our lease of the premises and also part of safeguarding your children.  Please park considerately on the surrounding rounds and used our fence pathway, ensuring all gates are closed behind you and children are in your sight.  We have noticed that some children and their older siblings walk along the low wall leading to our entrance, please be aware this is very dangerous, a child has been quite badly hurt doing this before, so we don’t advise you to encourage this.

We hope you all have a lovely Easter break.

Any questions? Please get in touch by telephone, text or email.

Julie, Jane and team