July Newsletter

This year has flown by! Sessional care broke up for Summer on Friday 21st July and will return to nursery on Monday 4th September, day-care continues as normal until Friday 25th August when the current daycare year ends. We are closed Bank Holiday Monday 28th August.
Many thanks to the parents of the children starting school in September who popped in to see us last Thursday, it was nice to speak to you about your child’s Learning Journey. The on-line section can be downloaded and printed should you wish to add it to your child’s folder, a copy of your child’s report and individual tracking has been sent to your child’s school.
Nursery Education Grant Funding – 15 and 30 hours, you will have received an email informing you that the grant form is in your child’s drawer, please complete this and return it to Jo by Friday 28th July, if this is not returned in time we will be unable to access the funding for your child in September, the Local Authority do not fund retrospectively, therefore you will have to pay in full until January.
Over the next few weeks, we will be sending out letters to those parents whose children are changing key-people, the younger children who are moving from room 2 to room 1 will start over the next few weeks spending time in room 1, getting to know their new key person, increasing their time there until they are fully settled, some children settle in very quickly, some take a bit longer, we support each child individually until they feel happy to come in. The pre-school children are aged from 3 to 5 years therefore children who are ‘rising 3’ i.e. will turn 3 before the end of January will also be moving through from room 2, we trialled this last year and it worked really well for that cohort of children. Children who are moving out of the Nest will spend periods in the room with their key-person , they are welcome to return to the Nest if they wish, however most seem raring to go!
This is always a sad time of year when we have to say goodbye to our children starting school, we have really loved having them here and will miss them
Thank-you for choosing Fledglings for your child, and to all of you who say such lovely things about us we really do appreciate it.
I know our staff are exceptional …but it’s nice to hear it from other people too!!!

Have a good Summer,

Best wishes,

Julie Longbottom